impeller type

Induced Flow Centrifugal Exhaust Fan, Airfoil Blade
The BAIFE Induced Flow, Centrifugal Exhaust Fan is intended for use in exhausting laboratory fumes and hazardous chemicals in such a manner that diminishes the likelihood of concentrated, contaminant-laden air from being re-entrained into the building’s intake or make-up air. This unit is commonly used in exhaust systems for universities, schools, hospitals, research facilities, laboratories, restaurants and wastewater treatment plants.
The benefits of utilizing an induced flow exhaust fan is to dilute the contaminated air at the outlet as well as increase outlet volume which accelerates the discharge air increasing plume height without a tall stack.
Sizes (impeller diameters)
- 12.25 to 66 inches (315 mm to 1,680 mm)
- Airflow to 135,000 CFM (229,400 m3/hour)
- Static pressure to 16 inches w.g. (3,980 Pa)