Fiberglass Fans
Fiberglass fans are specifically designed for the exhaust of moisture-laden, corrosive or chemically contaminated air. All fans feature molded fiberglass housings that are virtually impossible to dent, crack or break. FRP offers a more economical solution compared to stainless steel or other exotic alloys. Multiple wheel types and materials are available to meet any corrosive process requirements while maintaining quiet operation and high efficiency.

Pressure Blowers

Inline Centrifugal

Roof & Wall Exhausters
- FA – Downblast Roof Exhauster, Direct Drive
- FAB – Downblast Roof Exhauster, Belt Driven
- MA – Square Gravity Relief Ventilator
- WA – Upblast Roof Exhauster, Direct Drive
- WAB – Upblast Roof Exhauster, Belt Driven
- SA – Wall Exhauster, Direct Drive
- HA – Wall Exhauster, Direct Drive
- HAB – Wall Exhauster, Belt Driven

Propeller Wall Fans
- Static Grounding
- ASTM D4167 Construction
- Stainless Steel Fan Shaft
- Synthetic Surface Veil
- Fire Retardant Resin
- Vinyl Ester