impeller type

Backward Inclined Utility Set, UL Listed for Emergency Smoke Control Systems
The BCVSH is a backward curved type packaged vent that is UL listed for emergency smoke control systems. This unit is designed to supply and exhaust air in hospitals, hotels, schools, fume hoods and similar environments. BCVSH fans come standard with V-belt drives with a minimum of two belts, motor, UL weather cover, back plate fins, shaft seal, shaft cooler, high temperature grease, insulated drive stand and UL Emergency Smoke Control Systems labels and nameplate. Fans must be installed per local codes and NFPA 96.
Sizes (impeller diameters)
- 12.25 to 60 inches (315 mm to 1,525 mm)
- Airflow to 78,660 CFM (133,600 m3/hour)
- Static pressure to 8 inches w.g. (1,990 Pa)

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Inertia Base Installation, Rotor Removal & Installation, Sheave Installation, Unitary Base Installation, Impeller Removal & Installation, Piezometer Ring Installation